With the lively neighbourhood of Spinderiet as its neighbour opposite, a new town house has been built at Annexstræde 8 in Valby. The facades are produced in black brick veneer with light grey zones. Facing onto Annexstræde are balconies along the entire length of the facade, with varied glass cladding for private zones and a varied facade expression.
Shops are available for lease on the ground floor, whilst the other 3 floors each have 2 residential dwellings. Access to the dwellings takes place via stairs and an elevator tower from the courtyard on the north side of the building. The residential dwellings are lit from both sides and have 3 bedrooms and a storage room. The courtyard is configured as a green open space with grass and flowerbeds, in addition to paved areas with canopies that provide shelter for waste disposal and cycle parking.