In the idyllic fishing village, SuperBrugsen’s supermarket has undergone a major rebuild and extension. A neighbouring property has been torn down, thereby creating 600 m2 extra shop floor space. In a bid to avoid dominating the townscape, the extension has been split into bodies of buildings with an expression similar to that of one of the old houses in Gilleleje.
An intermediate glass building links the new building to the old supermarket building. Underneath the new building a basement has been established for storing stock, whilst on the first floor in the new building personnel facilities are being established. The intermediate glass building provides a glimpse both into and out of the store, whilst a terraced square faces out onto the pavement – thus providing a new centre in Hornbæk.

A bid to avoid dominating the townscape, the extension has been split into bodies of buildings with an expression similar to that of one of the old houses in Gilleleje.