Scandic Hotel in Sydhavnen was originally built in 2002, also by ak83 arkitekter. The new extension is being built while the hotel is still relatively new and it was thus decided to continue to work with the same expression and materials. This has resulted in an extension which at first sight elegantly blends into the existing hotel building. The truth of the matter is, however, that the hotel has been upgraded with conference halls and 105 new rooms. In addition, the new and old wings are also connected by a glass structure – and the entire building is also raised by 1.5 metres to create space for a basement area. Rather than attempting to create a new expression, the extension is reconciled imperceptibly with the original building, but is revealed in a number of facade refinements and in the upgraded facilities when you step inside.

Rather than attempting to create a new expression, the extension is reconciled imperceptibly with the original building, but is revealed in a number of facade refinements